Thursday, February 13, 2014

This font I find very interesting. When I look at this font it is a great design because they're are many different characteristics that go into it

1. Texture- This image has great texture because of the white specs you see in the image. I personally feel like if I were to rub my hand across the font.I would be able to feel the different details in the font.

2. Law of Closure- We ignore the white space that is making the sky scrappers. This  allows our minds to fill in the rest of the letters to see the name "Urban Jungle".

3. Kerning- The kerning of the image allows the image to be grouped together and makes it seem that the sky scrappers are one city.

4. All Caps- I feel like the all caps captures your attention, and gives the brand bulk, making it seem powerful and a good company.

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