Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Visceral Response

The image " Afghan Girl" creates a Visceral response for me because the color with in her eyes. Green is known at a color of life, and that she is a living human being living in poor living conditions. Every time I look at this image I'm immediately drawn to here eyes because brightness of them. The texture of here skin the browns right below her cheeks it seems that there is dirt, this  makes me feel as if I were to touch her face i would be wiping dirt off here face. The lines around her lips give her a look of a look of determination or a cry for help. 

I become emotional attached to this image because I feel that I need to help. I want to help this girl in need, and give here a better life. This image was taken in 1985, and later this women was recaptured in here later years in life.

Seeing these to images definitely adds more to the contrast to the story; Knowing that this women has lived her entire life poor. Her life didn't change one bit, and she still lives today in the same state that she was in as a little girl.

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